The final week at Tech Talent South is here, and I have to say I am sad to say goodbye. It has been a very rewarding and sometimes frustrating journey. When I first decided to learn to code I knew there would be challenges. Could I learn a language in 8 weeks? Would I be prepared to swim into Software Development after such a short period of time? The short answer has become a resounding YES!
It’s amazing how much information I have absorbed in such a short period of time. Coming from a background where I had NO EXPERIENCE. I was very skeptical. But after going through boot camp I realized that my journey is just beginning and I am armed with a good solid foundation to grow, learn and create more with my new found skills, resources, and connections.
The people we have met and the information they have passed along is priceless. The tours we went on were inspiring. Our class was able to get a sneak peek of the company culture at Red Hat and Citrix. I was also able to connect with a mentor who has agreed to continue to help and guide me as a Jr. Developer.
It was a pleasure to get a peek into the world of the startups, should I ever have the dream of striking out on my own. I am able to see the wide net that learning coding through Tech Talent South has been able to open my eyes to. I look forward to a time where I can see Tech Talent South as part of a journey that was just the beginning of a long and rewarding career as a Software Developer.
To the newbie who is thinking about jumping into the scary and challenging seas of the world of coding…I say, start your journey here, and see where you land. You may surprise yourself at the amount of knowledge you gain, friends you make, and career you end up with.