Today is my “Golden Birthday” — the day where I turn the same age as my birth date. Yes, that means I’m the big 3-0.
I also hear this is also called a “Lucky Birthday,” and I’m feeling pretty lucky. I always had big wishes for my 30th birthday — that I would be accomplished, have clear goals for the future, and be working toward learning something new and exciting. So I decided to spend the last few months of my 20s turning those wishes into reality.
- I feel lucky to have found Tech Talent South, on a whim, when Googling coding classes in Dallas.
- I feel lucky to have joined a small cohort so that I get one-on-one attention from my instructors when I’m a little (or a lot) lost.
- I feel lucky to finally be learning a new “language” when I have struggled with this since trying Spanish in high school.
- I feel lucky to have a full-time job that is supportive of my learning and growing in a new area.
- I feel lucky to have family, friends, and a new fiancé(!) who encourage me to step outside of my comfort zone and take on new challenges.
I’m excited to be starting this new decade of life with a strong foundation, new skills, and a great network of people in Dallas. Thanks, TTS, for making my birthday wishes come true!