Unfortunately, for my bank account and to the chagrin of my wife, I have tried many online programming boot camps and joined several websites promising to teach me development. My course list at Udemy looks almost as long as my games list on Steam. The biggest failure with most of these methods for me was that they were taught with a specific learning style in mind and either assumed the learner was brand new to programming or programming at a level higher than I was at currently. I’d go through tutorial after tutorial and never see growth in knowledge.
I saw on Twitter that Tech Talent South was coming to Dallas and I submitted my application for the part time course. A day or two later, I got a call from Richard Simms regarding my application and to answer my questions on Veteran discounts and the Code Immersion Program. Richard was able to answer all of my questions and I was also able to ask a few more via email. I started the first part time cohort in Dallas that began this past May.
Coming into the course with some previous coding experience I was concerned on how my time might be wasted with our limited class time for the Part Time course. TTS took that into account and since the class size was small enough that I was given extra course work and felt comfortable working with my instructors to get extra assignments and work on my programming weaknesses.
My course is now coming to a close and I will soon be a TTS alumni. I feel much more comfortable now stepping out of my comfort zone and ripping into a new framework, API, or programming language and seeing how I can use it for any number of projects. The more structured class environment was exactly what I needed. I was hesitant on joining yet another programming course, but Tech Talent South has helped us make sure we are getting the most value from the course. They have gauged all of our different experience levels; giving extra assignments and working with us on an individual basis and met us at our individual skill levels. It’s not at every company you can easily reach out to a co-founder and where everyone seems to be truly invested in your individual journey. I’d like to give a shout out to Simone Battiste-Alleyne, Richard Worth, Richard Simms, and Edna Navarro, it wasn’t easy road the last 8 weeks and we hit a few speed bumps because it was the initial cohort but I would think it’s expected as TTS in Dallas finds it’s footing. I look forward to seeing TTS flourish and hopefully be able to get into the Graduates program in the Fall!