Meagan Michal, September 1, 2017 | 1 min read

Win a Full Ride + A MacBook from ExtendedStay America Diversity & Inclusion Scholarship

Extended Stay America has teamed up with us to send someone to Code Immersion for FREE!

If you ever wanted to learn to code but weren’t sure where to start, then this just might be the thing that gets you in the door!

And because we wanted to sweeten the deal, Tech Talent South is throwing in a MacBook for the winner!



Over the past 4 years, Tech Talent South has created approachable and accessible programs, making it easier for all people to learn the valuable skill of code. We have found that opportunities, like the Extended Stay America sponsored scholarship, can be highly effective drivers for positive impact on individual lives, households, and the workforce as a whole. As a woman-owned company, it has always been one of our core values to be inclusive and promote diversity through tech education.

A similar Tech Talent South scholarship in 2014 focused on promoting women in technology and was sponsored by local consultancy Skookum Digital Works. The recipient of that scholarship traded in her day-job of custodian , for a Jr. Developer role with local development shop, Technekes, after attending the course.

“We are very grateful to the incredible companies like Extended Stay America, who also see a need for an inclusive tech community and are actively doing their part to bring it to fruition. Extended Stay has been a close friend and supporter to Tech Talent South and we love having the opportunity to partner over great initiatives like this.” Betsy Idilbi, Co-Founder and CEO of Tech Talent South.
