Last week I graduated from the full-time TTS Code Immersion Program, and the experience was more rewarding than earning my MBA. I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not taking a class or pursuing a degree to challenge my mind or find some purpose to my life. I easily completed my MBA in 14 months while working full time, and my previous career positions in the legal and business field left me without passion or mental effort. TTS challenged me and brought purpose to my life. The eight weeks were full of emotional ups and downs, but my passion for coding grew stronger.
TTS provides a rigorous curriculum that prepares you for real life application, and the TTS staff are encouraging and supportive. My instructor, Walid, utilized several techniques to guide us through the learning process. We learned through lectures, functional testing, coding games, and projects. Also, Walid provided resources for more learning opportunities and encouraged working relationships with classmates. TTS provides office hours after class for students with questions or concerns, but Walid stayed over past office hours to assist myself and other students to ensure our success. I truly believe he finds joy in our achievements. He proves that by providing ongoing support after graduation.
The full time program is taught at a fast pace because there is a lot of material covered in the eight weeks. You will get your money’s worth. It can be overwhelming at times, but you will be surprised by how much information you have retained at the end. I only regret not taking an introduction HTML class before starting the course. The intro HTML classes will help you get familiar with your terminal, text editor, tags, and navigating your computer. The transition was easier for my classmates that took an intro class. You can find these classes locally for a small fee. I am glad I chose TTS as I now have a great foundation and resources to build on for a successful career. I look forward to conquering as many computer languages as possible and excelling in the world of programming.