Ask our founder what she is most proud of when it comes to her years of building Tech Talent South, and she will always mention Kids Code.
Kids Code is a program that is FREE to kids ages 8-12. In this 4-session program, kids learn the basics of what is being taught to adults in code immersion!
It was created with a two key ideas in mind:
1. If the future of the workforce is technology, then we better start teaching our future workforce the foundations NOW.
2. The best way to know if you have truly learned something is to attempt to teach it to a child.
It works like this: Every time that a Code Immersion class runs, Kids Code simultaneously kicks off. The adult students in Code Immersion become the volunteer teachers of the Kids Code sessions.
Victoria Pinson, a former student at Tech Talent South, shared her thoughts on the program:
“I’ve been really impressed with Kids Code for two major reasons: (1) it’s totally free for the community, and (2) the material taught in the program is accessible to everyone regardless of the tools they bring. Some students bring a computer or follow along on a smartphone, while others prefer to take notes with a pencil and paper. Regardless of what the students walk in the door with, they all leave with a good understanding of core coding concepts that they can continue to build on.
Kids Code isn’t just a win for the kids, though. It’s a win for Tech Talent South students, too! After all, what better way for us to solidify what we’re learning than to teach it to others?”
Interested in Kids Code? Learn more here: