Austin Silvers, October 27, 2016 | 2 min read

From US Air Force to Biomedical Equipment to Coding

Hello there! My name is Austin and I am a part time student in the Tech Talent South Code Immersion program. I am originally from Chattanooga Tennessee but came to San Antonio to serve in the US Air Force. I did four years of military service, but got out so I can focus on my family and career as a technician. I currently work as a Biomedical Equipment Technician / System Administrator here in San Antonio.

What first brought me to TTS was my love for all tech things. Every day at work feels like a big puzzle and it is rewarding to solve the daily problems that occur in IT. I work with servers daily, but I felt I had little knowledge of web and application development.  Even though I wasn’t knowledgeable in coding, I was interested. Originally, I started looking up code camps for a friend because she wanted to find a rewarding career. I saw that Tech Talent South was a highly rated code camp and it offered a part time program which is good since I had a full time job and family to support. Thanks to TTS, I am taking coding classes two nights a week in the evening. This flexibility allowed me to have a full time job and still bond with my wife and newborn son.

That’s enough talking about myself! Now I’ll try to answer the obvious question: why am I writing another IT blog? Well, that is because I want you to see how great Tech Talent South is. I go to class and have a wonderful teacher (Shankar) and community organizer (Sarah). As well as awesome and supportive peers. Every class I am challenged with an intense three hour session of learning. Followed by fun homework challenges to bolster my Ruby competency.  I am constantly challenged, and every week builds on the last. I have no doubt that I am going to be a full ruby on rails app developer before I know it! Coding is addicting. It is extremely tough. But when you finally get that piece of code to work after hours of struggling, there isn’t a better feeling. The best part about it, is that coding is an art form. You can code a piece of software hundreds of different ways so there is always room for improvement.

In the future I hope to use the skills I learn in Tech Talent South to help me create an awesome github portfolio. In order to gain this portfolio I plan on doing nonprofit work to build my skills.

I hope this blog is useful for you! The code immersion course is worth every penny!