Melvin Nix, November 25, 2014 | 1 min read

Brain Bootcamp: My Journey at Tech Talent South

As a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, I’m very familiar with a fast paced learning format, but holey moley! Tech Talent South is the boot camp of all boot camps when it comes to training developers!

I enrolled in the part-time program looking to add programming and app development skills to my existing 3d animation and motion graphics experience and I must say that it’s been an awesome journey! From the first day of class, we took a nose dive into programming concepts and were given a demonstration that showed the capabilities of Ruby on Rails. The instructors have done a phenomenal job of introducing us to the ins and outs of programming and app development during each class while providing time to practice with their guidance.

Prior to TTS, I spent a considerable amount of time with books and online tutorials in my quest to become a developer and found it difficult without the hands on component. In just 2 weeks at TTS, we’ve already written a game, done some simple apps and are experiencing the cool tools that GitHub has to offer.

So far, Tech Talent South has truly been a rewarding experience that has already given me insight to the developer world. I’m excited about what we’ll learn next and how I can apply these new skills to my next career adventure.